In this study, as well as others, it has been shown that the probability of dying is seven times as high during the period from day 111 of gestation to weaning (approximately 21 days) as compared to the rest of a sows reproductive lifecycle In order to significantly affect the overall rate of sow mortality, interventions will have to be directed at this timeframe. Thus the objective of this study was to analyze factors that could be used to identify sows at risk. This was done by following sows and creating a statistical model that estimated the effect of different factors on the likelihood that a sow dies.

In this study of sow mortality, approximately 3% of sows that entered the farrowing stall died before exiting. This accounted for approximately 60% of the mortality in the herds studied. When we looked at the factors that could identify problem sows, the factors included lameness at entry, hot seasons, younger parities, induction with prostaglandins, high rate of stillbirths, low feed intake, low litter size and a reluctance to get up after farrowing. These together describe problem sows or times that should have further emphasis in management in sow herds.